Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, a solid & generally profitable method of marketing product, has served as one of the market’s most efficient methods of promoting services as well as products.
In spite of this fact, some businesses cry that PPC is not as effective as it used to be, while others believe that the expenses linked with this campaign are too big. As always, the truth has dwelled somewhere in between.
According to research, it is found that PPC marketing inefficiency is generally brought forward by a string of mistakes commonly marketers make.
Therefore, to save you from a huge loss and to upscale your PPC Campaign, here I will tell you major yet common mistakes associated with PPC campaigns that can be avoided.
Take a look!
1. Always Striving for #1 Position
Everyone wants to reach that number one spot, no matter whether you're managing your own PPC campaigns or managing a client’s. But as enticing as it may be, intending for that elusive number one spot, that too in the first try, is a traditional PPC mistake, many do.
It’s a great metric to impress your client and to pat yourself on the back. But, actually reaching that top spot can require a lot of effort, time, and money. Hence you need to be patient enough for the same.
For some competitive keywords, the number one spot can cost high, which for some businesses, is way too much. Focusing on your ROI instead of focusing on a number one spot is usually a much better tactic. Not to mention, being in the second or third position can also generate a lot of clicks that too for a lot less money!
If you feel difficulty for the same, no worries just reach a top-notch Google Adwords Expert for your help!
2. Missing to Track the Right Metrics
You can spend a lot of money on PPC campaigns and not understand what ads are working to drive your new business to your brand, especially if you’re not careful. In common, here are 5 key metrics you should be tracking:
- Conversion rate
- Click-through rate
- Cost-per-click (CPC)
- Cost-per-acquisition (CPA)
- And if your PPC campaign is in Google AdWords, then surely track Quality Score.
If you are still not sure about the right metrics, find a Remote PPC Expert for your help!
3. Linking to Home Page
Not only you but many marketers link their ad to the homepage. It surely is common, still consider it as a rookie mistake.
Think this way! Your intended audience has come across your ad and is enticed to click to get whatever is promised, but once they click, they’re taken to your homepage. It would be their first disappointment. Now they need to navigate themselves to the right place. The problem is, as you have dozens of links on your homepage, it will be difficult for a new visitor to know how to get the information that they need. It would be their second disappointment. After suffering from this conundrum, many leads will easily click the back button and will leave.
So to be saved from missing important leads, the page that you link to must mirror the message on your ad. Make sure it acts as the beginning of your customer funnel. Don’t try to tell each and everything at once, like who you are, what else you do or sell. Believe it or not, they’re not concerned with any of that. They only need the answer to their specific query and to collect on the benefit that your ad promised them. It is one of the top reasons why you need to link to an optimized landing page.
For better results, make sure to focus below points in your landing page:
- A message is relevant to your ad. People who click onto your site from your ad must meet what they’re expecting.
- An appealing call to action. Now that the lead is on your page make your call to action both easy to find and engaging.
Reach to Find a PPC Expert you are Looking for!
Are you making the same mistakes in your PPC campaigns? If yes, avoid them and ensure that your PPC efficiency rises. Besides, you can also reach me as your Freelance PPC Consultant. I am, with my campaigning strategies, helping my clients to achieve their targeting goals and build an authority in their niche for years.
Get in touch to know how I can help you!
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